December 17, 2022

6 Reasons Why You Need a Practitioner to Get the Most of Your Genetic Test

You’ve been on a journey for optimal health, yet aren’t sure where to go. You try traveling down one path of health and wellness recommendations, yet come to a dead end. You try another road that looks promising, yet find disappointment again. All these paths of health and wellness seem like they’re made for other people. Where’s the path made just for you?

At Culinary Archeology know it’s out there, and we can help you find it.

And you’re right — there is one specially-made path just for you, and you don’t have to find it through trial and error. You just have to take a test: A genetic test.

Practitioners can help you find the right path to optimum health, and help you navigate it with ease and success. Here are six ways we do it.


It’s the classic story: A hero goes on a journey, and at the start of that journey, they meet a mentor or a guide to show them the way. It’s typically the same when a patient — the hero — wants to find better health. They’re not as healthy as they used to be, or they want answers around a chronic illness, or they want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, or they find that the wellness methods that work for everyone else don’t work for them. The patient, or hero, knows they need to go on a journey to find better health, and as they begin to seek answers, that’s where we come in. We know how to find the path to personalized healthcare, and we then become your guide on the journey.


Practitioners then become investigators, as we ask you all sorts of questions to get to know you. We don’t just want to know about your symptoms — we want to know everything: where do you live, what do you do for work, what do you do for exercise, what do you like to snack on, what’s your family history? Those answers will help us put together a fuller picture of your health. Then, in order to truly understand how your body functions at the cellular level, we administer the ultimate test: A genetic test!


Once we receive the results of your genetic test, we then turn into an interpreter. Your genetic test will give us insights across a number of areas, including how your cells and systems function, how your genes impact your cardiovascular system and nutrient absorption, and how your genes inform your energy and activity levels. We look at these results coupled with everything you told us about you, and interpret the findings for you.


Once we interpret those findings, then we can teach you more about yourself, and how your body works! You may not have ever known that you have genes that impact how your heart muscle contracts, or how iron is stored in your body, or how quickly you metabolize caffeine. We’ll teach you about how your cells and systems work, and ideally you’ll have some “a-ha” moments, where your genetics finally explain how you knew your body to function all along.


Then, we turn into a coach. We don’t just teach you about yourself, we want you to act on what you learn. So like a coach assigning exercises or drills, we’ll assign you recommendations around different types of food and lifestyle choices to get you to better optimize your genetic makeup. We’ll coach you through new activities and new eating habits and new sleeping patterns. We want you to work at it because we know you’ll succeed.


Finally, as you make progress on your new daily choices and habits, and begin to see how knowing more about your genes has truly set you on your individualized path to health and wellness, we cheer you on! We want you to succeed and fix the root causes of chronic disease, and change your life so you can be around longer in the future, and live a full, happy life. However, we’ll continue to be your guide, your teacher, and your coach as you continue your journey.

Beginning Your Journey

Have you found the path towards optimal health and wellness uniquely made for you yet? Take that first step, and we’ll be right there ready for you.

Ready to start your personalized health journey? 
Ask me about a genetic test today, send an email to

About the Author: Chantel Beauregard

I am a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner, Nutritionist, Clinical Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Coach and a self proclaimed Culinary Archeologist. I studied Nutrition Science at Stanford University. Growing up, my friends always said our kitchen smelled like syrup. I of course interpreted this as a good thing, and it was. I enjoyed the smell of my Mom’s kitchen. To me it was a mixture of onions, garlic (two of my favorites) fenugreek, the sweetness of saffron and rosewater. Exotic spices from Iran were always in the house. Strange looking vegetables or fruits like artichokes and pomegranates. I grew up with “Persian influence” my mother would say. My Grandmothers kitchen was different. It either smelled of her famous chocolate cherry cake, KFC, or canning tomatoes. All of which smelled good to me. If we were visiting on a day it smelled of chocolate cake you could guarantee a peek at Grandpa through the kitchen window sneaking a second serving of chocolate cherry cake as we pulled out of the driveway to head home. One of my fondest memories. Most of the memories I have growing up include food. Very good food. And I think food should do just that. Take you somewhere, remind you of something wonderful, transport you to another time when all you had to do was pick up the fork and enjoy it! Don’t get me wrong choosing the ingredients and preparing what is on that fork is fun too! (Ever go foraging for watercress in a mountain creek?) But for those who are eating it, no other thoughts should be in their mind, other than the places that fork is about to take them. Here at Culinary Archeology I emphasize healthful eating personalized to YOUR genetics, design, lifestyle, environment, and health concerns. I help you build the confidence and skills to eat, cook and bake nutritiously intuitive, with purpose and creativity. My meal plans offer effective strategies and tools to improve health, including weekly food and shopping schedules, healthful recipes, and recommendations about cooking and food storage methods, as well as steps to achieve mindful eating, making food choices easier and fun, every day. I became a Certified 3x4 Practitioner because I know that there is no single right diet that applies to all of us. We have different genetic backgrounds, different preferences, and different lives. And until you get your nutrition right, nothing is going to change. By changing your diet , you can change your entire physiology. I am here to teach strategies and give tools to find out what is right for each person, individually.